Please fully support Boulder effort to municipalize for a clean local power
Hey climate and democracy protectors!
Please show your support for clean, local power! Our CO Public Utilities Commission needs to hear from you NOW!
Here's the story (and it affects us all): Boulder voters have time and again expressed their desire to do their part (even to tax themselves) to address climate change and to create a local, affordable, 100% renewably-powered municipal electric utility, and they are standing at the crossroads again and need your help. Communities should have the right to determine their energy future and should not be constrained by Xcel's thinking and corporate constraints. Colorado has a Constitutional right to form a municipal utility. It is up to the PUC to make sure this right is "real." At this defining moment in the history of the planet, we need more options than a profit-driven monopoly that is still 70+% fossil fuel dependent.
Years of tireless work by Boulder’s Energy Future Staff have shown that it is not only possible to create a local municipal electric utility that is reliable and 100% renewable, it would in fact be more affordable as they increase the amount of clean energy since renewables are now often cheaper than fossil fuels! They have also done the engineering and legal work necessary so that next week the muni application hearing between Boulder and Xcel will begin at the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
Xcel is pulling some last minute moves to try to keep the ~$35 million in pre-tax profits they take out of Boulder every year. Xcel is pressuring the Boulder City Council to stop the PUC municipalization process and has asked the PUC to dismiss Boulder's hearing.
Please send your letter now telling the PUC to support Boulder's (and every Colorado city's) right to create a clean local electric utility and reject Xcel's motion to dismiss! A sample is provided, but please put it in your own words - it's much more powerful.
THANK YOU for standing up for a clean energy future!!
P.S. If you're in the neighborhood, please SHOW UP on April 17th, 5pm to show your support at a “Stay the Course for Clean Local Power” Rally before a special public hearing at 6pm. Location: in the plaza on the broadway side of the Municipal Building (1777 Broadway, Boulder) Wear green! And bring your own handmade signs if possible! You can also sign up to speak at the hearing inside the muni building and tell the City Council: Don’t let Xcel derail the PUC process. Stay the course for clean local power! Please RSVP and invite friends and share on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/107023046514635/
Please fully support Boulder effort to municipalize for a clean local power
Hey climate and democracy protectors!
Please show your support for clean, local power! Our CO Public Utilities Commission needs to hear from you NOW!
Here's the story (and it affects us all): Boulder voters have time and again expressed their desire to do their part (even to tax themselves) to address climate change and to create a local, affordable, 100% renewably-powered municipal electric utility, and they are standing at the crossroads again and need your help. Communities should have the right to determine their energy future and should not be constrained by Xcel's thinking and corporate constraints. Colorado has a Constitutional right to form a municipal utility. It is up to the PUC to make sure this right is "real." At this defining moment in the history of the planet, we need more options than a profit-driven monopoly that is still 70+% fossil fuel dependent.
Years of tireless work by Boulder’s Energy Future Staff have shown that it is not only possible to create a local municipal electric utility that is reliable and 100% renewable, it would in fact be more affordable as they increase the amount of clean energy since renewables are now often cheaper than fossil fuels! They have also done the engineering and legal work necessary so that next week the muni application hearing between Boulder and Xcel will begin at the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
Xcel is pulling some last minute moves to try to keep the ~$35 million in pre-tax profits they take out of Boulder every year. Xcel is pressuring the Boulder City Council to stop the PUC municipalization process and has asked the PUC to dismiss Boulder's hearing.
Please send your letter now telling the PUC to support Boulder's (and every Colorado city's) right to create a clean local electric utility and reject Xcel's motion to dismiss! A sample is provided, but please put it in your own words - it's much more powerful.
THANK YOU for standing up for a clean energy future!!
P.S. If you're in the neighborhood, please SHOW UP on April 17th, 5pm to show your support at a “Stay the Course for Clean Local Power” Rally before a special public hearing at 6pm. Location: in the plaza on the broadway side of the Municipal Building (1777 Broadway, Boulder) Wear green! And bring your own handmade signs if possible! You can also sign up to speak at the hearing inside the muni building and tell the City Council: Don’t let Xcel derail the PUC process. Stay the course for clean local power! Please RSVP and invite friends and share on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/107023046514635/