
Demand Amazon Remove Incest-Themed Erotica

 Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, is known for lightning fast shipping and selling virtually anything online. While their corporate policy ostensibly prohibits it from selling pornography, is promoting material that sexualizes children and normalizes the dehumanization and sexual commodification of women.

Seemingly innocuous search terms such as "stepfather daughter" return results for incest-themed erotica on the first page of results. This material is often highly graphic, includes manipulation from positions of authority, and normalizes incestual relationship

Send an email to Amazon executives demanding that they remove this content from their store.

Demand Amazon Remove Incest-Themed Erotica

 Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, is known for lightning fast shipping and selling virtually anything online. While their corporate policy ostensibly prohibits it from selling pornography, is promoting material that sexualizes children and normalizes the dehumanization and sexual commodification of women.

Seemingly innocuous search terms such as "stepfather daughter" return results for incest-themed erotica on the first page of results. This material is often highly graphic, includes manipulation from positions of authority, and normalizes incestual relationship

Send an email to Amazon executives demanding that they remove this content from their store.