Oppose HB 2292, HB 2207, HB 2199 - They attack excellence in Kansas
Stop these extremist policies from becoming law!
The level of extreme rhetoric and, unfortunately, actual legislation coming out of the Kansas House Committee on Education this week is unbelievable. We need you to make yourself heard, now, to let the members of the House of Representatives know, in no uncertain manner, how strongly we oppose these actions.
We cannot let these extremist policies become the legacy of Kansas. We will become a state where excellence is denigrated, diversity is shunned, and one morality is coded into law. We cannot let these laws be passed. Please act now.
Learn more about these laws at mainstreamcoalition.org
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Oppose HB 2292, HB 2207, HB 2199 - They attack excellence in Kansas
Stop these extremist policies from becoming law!
The level of extreme rhetoric and, unfortunately, actual legislation coming out of the Kansas House Committee on Education this week is unbelievable. We need you to make yourself heard, now, to let the members of the House of Representatives know, in no uncertain manner, how strongly we oppose these actions.
We cannot let these extremist policies become the legacy of Kansas. We will become a state where excellence is denigrated, diversity is shunned, and one morality is coded into law. We cannot let these laws be passed. Please act now.
Learn more about these laws at mainstreamcoalition.org
You can edit the email below, and then sign and send to your Representative. Thank you for doing more than voting.