End The HPV Mandate
As your constituent, I am writing you in support of House Bill 5686 and 5919, and Senate Bills 0047 and 0489. These bills support parental rights over medical choices for their children, and remove the mandate of the HPV vaccination from the schedule of required vaccines for students in Rhode Island. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can never impact a student in the classroom environment. Even a student that has HPV will not miss class time, or impact their classmates. This virus is not spread by casual contact. I fully support parents right to decide what medical procedure is best for their child privately without the RI Department of Health (RIDOH) making the decision for them. I support #NOHPVmandateRI. I want you to support these bills that will support and respect parents. Currently, RIDOH has full authority to make mandates for any vaccination; 48 other states do NOT give the DOH this much power. We should not continue this practice. The Director of the RIDOH should make recommendations of vaccines to be added to a schedule for the students of RI, they should NOT make the final decision. You, our elected officials should vote, like the other 48 states do. Legislation needs to be introduced to remove the bureaucrat power from RIDOH regarding vaccination mandates. Thank you, I appreciate your time for reading this email. I expect a reply with your thoughts on this matter, and that you will vote for these bills when they come before you.
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