Ban on cosmetics tests on animals
I am writing to you because of your participation in the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus. I believe the time has come for the United States to implement a full ban on the testing of cosmetics on animals. In 2013, all 28 nations in the European Union banned such animal tests. In addition, Israel, India, Norway and New Zealand have also banned animal tested cosmetics. If these prominent and scientifically advanced nations can do so, than so can the U.S. We are a caring nation that strongly supports animal protection, as demonstrated by the 126 members of the Animal Protection Caucus, but on this issue we are falling way behind the rest of the enlightened world. Modern scientific methods using human cells, artificial tissue and computer models, allow for product testing that is more efficient, cheaper, and certainly more humane than using animals. Most of these nations have also banned the import of products tested on animals, meaning that the U.S. cannot export our cosmetics products to this large segment. These countries make up almost half of the world cosmetics market. From an ethical and economic perspective, it’s time to end animal tests for cosmetics. Please promote an end to cruel and unnecessary testing of cosmetics on animals in the United States by re-introducing the Humane Cosmetics Act. (Formerly H.R. 4148). Thank you for your attention to this vitally important matter. I would appreciate a response that clearly states your position.
This letter is going to all members of the U.S. Congressional Animal Protection Caucus
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