Oppose S.1014: The Personal Care Products Safety Act
As your constituent, I am writing to ask that you oppose S.1014, the Personal Care Products Safety Act, which would perpetuate cruel and unnecessary tests on animals. Numerous polls show that close to 70 percent of Americans are opposed to testing cosmetic products on animals. The Personal Care Products Safety Act goes against the will of the American people and yields to the cosmetics industry, allowing it to cling to cruel, inefficient and archaic animal tests. While over 30 countries – including the entire European Union, Israel and India – have enacted ground-breaking legislation to ban the sale and import of animal tested cosmetics, the U.S. must not take this backward step by increasing the use of animal tests. Please immediately oppose S.1014 unless it incorporates language requiring manufacturers to use modern, human-relevant, non-animal test methods and ban the testing of cosmetics on animals. It is imperative that the U.S. align itself with the highest international standards by passing legislation that clearly prohibits cosmetics tests on animals.
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