EPA Methane Rules: Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0505
Dear EPA Staff, Thank you for the opportunity to provide public testimony regarding EPA's proposed methane rules. While I appreciate that the administration is fighting tremendous power in the fossil fuel industry against huge odds and that we must implement methane emission reductions soon as possible, I am very concerned that the proposed regulations will not achieve the methane pollution reductions required to maintain a livable planet. Here's why: *Methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, and it is leaking at an alarming rate at current oil and gas facilities across the nation. *Most emissions from oil and gas production come from existing wells; therefore the proposed rules, which only address emission from future facilities, will not adequately protect our climate or our health unless existing wells are included. *The rules will only protect our climate and our health if they include effective monitoring, enforcement and penalties, and do not rely on industry self-monitoring and self-reporting. *The only way to fully protect our climate and our health is to keep toxic, climate-altering fossil fuels in the ground by denying permits for future oil and gas production and facilitating rapid conversion to renewable energy sources. * There is no plausible safe future scenario that includes continuing to expand the production of fossil fuels. Therefore, I urge the EPA to include current oil and gas facilities in the proposed regulations and reject future oil and gas development. We must not just regulate new production. We must radically curb methane emissions on existing wells and act quickly to stop new production of fossil fuels if we are to maintain climate conditions required to sustain life as we know it. Sincerely,
Environmental Protection Agency
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