Support the Ban on Cluster Bomb Sales to Saudi Arabia!
I was shocked to discover that you are leading the charge in the U.S. Senate to keep the sales of cluster bombs flowing to Saudi Arabia. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have independently verified that these weapons – banned by 119 other countries – are being used in civilian areas in Yemen and are malfunctioning more than 1% of the time, both of which are violations of U.S. law. There is no reason the sale of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia should not be ceased immediately. I am well aware that Textron Industries, the manufacturer of cluster bombs sold to Saudi Arabia, contributes money to your election campaigns and is the source of thousands of jobs in your state. But political expediency is a horrible reason to ignore violations of U.S. and international law. I demand that you reverse course, do what’s right and support the ban of cluster bomb sales to Saudi Arabia. I look forward to your response on this matter.
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