Please Stop Escalating War & Start Negotiating with North Korea!
Dear Ambassador Nikki Haley, I am very disappointed that you have not been using your powerful position at the United Nations to promote talks with North Korea. The ONLY solution is dialogue, starting with a freeze of North Korean nuclear and missile testing for a freeze US/South military exercises, as many nations have proposed. The next round of US-South Korean military exercises are not scheduled until March. This would give the US government six months to declare a freeze and start negotiations to ratchet down the tensions. Your statement that Kim Jung Un’s “abusive use of missiles and his nuclear threats show that he is begging for war” is appalling. North Korea has been saying over and over again that it might put its nuclear weapons and missiles on the negotiating table if the United States would end its own threatening posture. Your job is to find peaceful solutions to global conflicts. The Trump administration has never even tried a diplomatic solution with North Korea—it has only tried sanctions that hurt the lives of ordinary Koreans, provocative war games to “decapitate” the regime, deployment of the THAAD missile system in South Korea, and threats of a catastrophic war. These have not and will not work; they only embolden the North Korean leadership. We urge you to stop threats of escalation and start negotiations now. Thank you.
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