Twitter, Work to Remove Sexually Exploitive Material
Please remove the pornographic accounts on Twitter! In the age of #MeToo, we see a rising number of revenge pornography and nonconsensual pornography being shared on Twitter, in addition to hardcore pornography, all of which normalizes rape myths and sexual exploitation. Twitter has a policy against material promoting "sexist tropes" and material that "reduces someone to less than human" - which is exactly what pornography does. Pornography Teaches that Women Enjoy Sexual Violence: Analysis of the 50 most popular pornographic videos (those bought and rented most often) found that 88% of scenes contained physical violence, and 49% contained verbal aggression. Eighty-seven percent of aggressive acts were perpetrated against women, and 95% of their responses were either neutral or expressions of pleasure. Since 2009, there have been 30 major studies that have revealed porn has impacts on the structure and the function of the brain. Citations available at Twitter has recently started blocking search terms for pornography when searching in Photo or Video tabs, which is a significant improvement. Thank you for taking this step! I hope the progress will not stop here. Please increase your efforts to remove pornography, which is forbidden under Twitter's terms of use, and to remove accounts that distribute pornography or that advertise for prostitution or sex trafficking services.
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