Oppose WA SB 6620
I stand with the Firearms Policy Coalition and OPPOSE SB 6620. The absurdity of banning 18-21 year olds from purchasing a firearm while they are still deemed mature enough to vote, drive a car, receive abortions, enter into contracts, and serve in the military is an idea based in blame on the person’s age—and the misused object of crime—not the actual person that committed any acts. The inability and sometimes flat-out refusal of our state and national legislative institutions to adequately implement a system of sensible public (and school) safety, education, mental health resources and facilities, and criminal justice, is not the fault of an entire age group. What other constitutional right could be limited and segmented among free and legal adults over 18? The right to vote? Free speech? Protest? Assembly? Due Process? Speedy Trials? Worship? Equal protection? Privacy? Marriage? Movement? The answer of course, is none. And any type of proposed ban can and should be quickly rejected. For the reasons stated above, we must oppose SB 6620 and urge your “NO” vote.
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